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We are ClimatePartner certified Mar 2024

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Climate protection is a priority

In line with our pursuit of sustainability and responsibility, we at Löffler took a significant step towards climate protection in 2020. Our commitment manifested itself in our support for the wind energy project in Saint Nikola, Bulgaria. Now we are continuing our cooperation with ClimateParnter and offsetting unavoidable emissions through a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The basis for this is the calculation of our corporate carbon footprint. When recalculating the corporate carbon footprint in the run-up to the Sustainability Report 2023, we significantly extended the accounting threshold on the basis of a more comprehensive database in order to obtain as complete and differentiated a picture as possible of the greenhouse gas emissions that we release through our business activities and our products.

Löffler is ClimatePartner-certified

ClimatePartner-certified company, which means: we have calculated our greenhouse gas emissions, defined reduction targets, continuously implement reductions and finance climate protection projects.

With the ClimatePartner certification and a corresponding certificate including ID number, we create traceability for our stakeholders: The specifications of our contribution to climate protection can be viewed at any time via ClimatePartner: www.climatepartner.com/14987-2008-1001.

This process, certified by TÜV Austria and realised in cooperation with ClimatePartner, is a symbol of reliability and credibility in the area of climate protection. At Löffler, we see ourselves as part of the solution and invite our community to join us on the path to sustainable development.

Eco- friendly producer

Environmental protection is not just the order of the day, it is deeply rooted in our DNA. At Löffler, we don’t just design sportswear, we knit a promise into each of our products: to treat our environment with care and use natural resources with respect. In our energy programme, we try to reduce energy consumption as much as possible step by step and with many measures. In our sustainability report, we provide an insight into how we take responsibility for our environment.

Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

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Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

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Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

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Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

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Rain jackets: What do I need to know?

There are probably only a few products that have to be one thing above all: functional. In the case of a rain jacket, this is completely true. People often look for a jacket that is 100 % waterproof. But if the rain jacket is mainly used for sports, it has to fulfil another core function: It must be breathable so that you don't sweat from the inside out and moisture can be transported away from the body.

Leggi ora

Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip! Jun 2023

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

3 good reasons for a singlet when road cycling in summer

What should you wear in summer when you’re out on your road bike? Less is more, is often the motto. But is that really true? No, we don’t think so. Especially in high temperatures and sweaty activities, you benefit from a first, close-fitting baselayer on your body. We have summarised the three most important reasons for this:

  • The singlet increases the surface area of the body. This makes it easier to transport sweat away.
  • The singlet forms an additional layer that, at best, quickly removes sweat and does not absorb moisture itself. This makes the skin feel dry. Comfort is significantly increased.
  • The risk of catching a cold is also prevented during longer, cooler passages, such as forest passages or downhill runs. A cold in fine weather is very annoying. Who wants to miss the best days of the cycling season due to illness?
Man wearing white road bike singlet in summer. Man wearing white road bike singlet in summer. Man wearing white road bike singlet in summer. Man wearing white road bike singlet in summer.
The mesh construction ensures good ventilation and rapid sweat transport.
Woman in a white cycling singlet, putting on a road cycling jersey. Woman in a white cycling singlet, putting on a road cycling jersey. Woman in a white cycling singlet, putting on a road cycling jersey. Woman in a white cycling singlet, putting on a road cycling jersey.
Road bike singlets for men & women.
Man with light blue cycling singlet. Man with light blue cycling singlet. Man with light blue cycling singlet. Man with light blue cycling singlet.
Löffler singlets in various colours and sizes.

What is so special about our singlet?

We are convinced that our road bike singlets are unique. They offer decisive advantages over other models:

  • Our transtex® fabric transports sweat to the outside better and faster than any other material.
  • It hardly absorbs any liquid itself and therefore stays pleasantly dry.
  • No unpleasant odour develops. transtex® needs no chemical finish and no questionable silver ions. This is especially important for singlets that are worn directly on the skin.

You can find out more about transtex® on our information page transtex® – The smart air conditioning system.

Shirt, functional singlet, baselayer, functional underwear. Whatever you want to call it, a baselayer under your jersey has many advantages and helps you get the most out of yourself and your rides. High temperatures are more bearable for the body and sweating has never been so pleasant. Find out why functional underwear also makes sense in summer for other sweaty sports.

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

Leggi ora

Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

Leggi ora
Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

Leggi ora
Rain jackets: What do I need to know?

There are probably only a few products that have to be one thing above all: functional. In the case of a rain jacket, this is completely true. People often look for a jacket that is 100 % waterproof. But if the rain jacket is mainly used for sports, it has to fulfil another core function: It must be breathable so that you don't sweat from the inside out and moisture can be transported away from the body.

Leggi ora

Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer Jun 2023

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

Climate regulating function of sportswear

At high temperatures or during strenuous exertion, our body uses an ingenious system to ensure that it does not overheat. It produces sweat (up to 1.5 litres per hour). The sweat extracts heat from the body through evaporation, which has a cooling effect and thus regulates the body temperature. However, the right functional underwear is crucial for this in summer:

  • Sweat can only have a cooling effect if it actually evaporates. If evaporation is hindered by the wrong clothing, cooling no longer works sufficiently. Performance is correspondingly limited. The evaporation of sweat must be supported by the clothing. To accelerate evaporation, the fibres in the fabric distribute the moisture over a large area.
  • Excess sweat must be transported away from the skin and released to the outside. Functional textiles must draw perspiration away from the body so that the body can continue to sweat and thus cool down.
Women and man wearing functional underwear Women and man wearing functional underwear Women and man wearing functional underwear Women and man wearing functional underwear
Women wearing a black functional singlet Women wearing a black functional singlet Women wearing a black functional singlet Women wearing a black functional singlet
Man on a bike wearing a functional singlet Man on a bike wearing a functional singlet Man on a bike wearing a functional singlet Man on a bike wearing a functional singlet

Advantages of the Löffler transtex® functional underwear

transtex® is made out of polypropylene. Polypropylene is the lightest synthetic fibre, it even floats on water and absorbs almost 0% moisture itself. Therefore …

  • … transtex® transports perspiration better and faster than any other material.
  • … the skin stays pleasantly dry, which feels good and prevents colds and muscle tension.
  • … no odours develop. transtex® does not require any chemical finish or controversial silver ions. This is particularly important for underwear that is worn directly on the skin.

Various transtex® materials


The lightest transtex® underwear impresses with its airy mesh structure and is therefore ideal for temperatures up to 30 degrees. The single-layer, highly functional climate fibre made from 100% polypropylene with an extra-light mesh structure ensures the fastest moisture transport with optimal, cooling ventilation. The polypropylene yarn is also odourless and free of chemical additives. Optimal sports underwear for heat and high intensity.

  • Extra-light mesh structure
  • For highly athletic, anaerobic activity
  • Climate regulating through moisture transport
  • Fast drying
  • Exclusively knitted in Ried
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Mens Black Sleeveless Functional Singlet Mens Black Sleeveless Functional Singlet


The climate fibre made of 100 % polypropylene quickly transports sweat away from the skin, but itself remains permanently dry and odourless, without chemical additives. The knitted weave is robust with high elasticity. This ensures an optimal fit and maximum freedom of movement. Soft yarns ensure a comfortable, breathable feel in any weather. A versatile all-season sports underwear, optimal for warmer temperatures.

  • Lightweight 3D knit
  • For sporting activity
  • Climate regulating through moisture transport
  • Fast drying
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Ladies functional panty black Ladies functional panty black

Functional underwear also makes sense in summer. It keeps the body dry and regulates the body temperature like an intelligent air conditioner. Thanks to the different transtex® fabrics, Löffler offers functional underwear for every sweat-inducing activity, whether cycling, speedhiking or hiking.

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

Leggi ora

Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

Leggi ora
Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

Leggi ora
Rain jackets: What do I need to know?

There are probably only a few products that have to be one thing above all: functional. In the case of a rain jacket, this is completely true. People often look for a jacket that is 100 % waterproof. But if the rain jacket is mainly used for sports, it has to fulfil another core function: It must be breathable so that you don't sweat from the inside out and moisture can be transported away from the body.

Leggi ora


Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

What must outdoor pants be able to do?

They still exist: hikers in cotton trousers or jeans. If everyday trousers will do, why should you buy your own hiking trousers? Hiking trousers made of functional materials offer enormous advantages over jeans and other clothing:

  • They are water- and dirt-repellent. Especially in changing weather, it is important that hiking trousers are water- and dirt-resistant. Thanks to an environmentally friendly, PFC-free impregnation, water drips off immediately. An unpleasant wet feeling on the skin and the risk of catching a cold are therefore no longer an issue. Thanks to the PFC-free impregnation, dirt does not settle so quickly on the surface of the material. This feature is especially appreciated by those who are out and about in wet terrain or on slippery surfaces.
  • Made for movement. The material is highly elastic and lightweight. This means that the hiking trousers follow every movement without constricting. Ergonomically pre-shaped leg cuts make bending the legs particularly comfortable. This in turn contributes to freedom of movement.
  • Highly breathable. Hiking trousers for men and women are made of particularly breathable material to guarantee optimal air circulation even during exhausting activities. This means that the trousers are pleasantly light on the skin during tough uphill climbs. In addition, the formation of unpleasant smells is prevented during multi-day use.
Man and woman hiking downhill Man and woman hiking downhill Man and woman hiking downhill Man and woman hiking downhill

How do I recognise well-fitting hiking pants?

The waistband plays a decisive role for the perfect fit of the trousers. Elastic waistband solutions ensure that the trousers stay exactly where they should. All Löffler outdoor pants for men and women are equipped with elastic zones in the waistband and belt loops. Depending on the model, the waistband can also be adjusted with a hook, internal drawstring or push button.

The integrated reflective strips in the elastic waistband are also useful and well thought-out. Flat seams also contribute to a high level of comfort. It is extremely important to avoid uncomfortable chafing and pressure points, especially for high-movement sports such as hiking or speed hiking.

Man wearing a blue t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standin in front of a gray background Man wearing a blue t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standin in front of a gray background Man wearing a blue t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standin in front of a gray background Man wearing a blue t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standin in front of a gray background
Women wearing a poloshirt and gray trekkin gpants standing in front of a gray background Women wearing a poloshirt and gray trekkin gpants standing in front of a gray background Women wearing a poloshirt and gray trekkin gpants standing in front of a gray background Women wearing a poloshirt and gray trekkin gpants standing in front of a gray background
Man wearing a blue jacket and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Man wearing a blue jacket and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Man wearing a blue jacket and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Man wearing a blue jacket and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background
Women wearing a purple t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Women wearing a purple t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Women wearing a purple t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Women wearing a purple t-shirt and dark blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background
Men wearing a gray and green shirt with long sleeves and a dark gray trekking tousers in front of a gray background holding a black backpack in his right hand Men wearing a gray and green shirt with long sleeves and a dark gray trekking tousers in front of a gray background holding a black backpack in his right hand Men wearing a gray and green shirt with long sleeves and a dark gray trekking tousers in front of a gray background holding a black backpack in his right hand Men wearing a gray and green shirt with long sleeves and a dark gray trekking tousers in front of a gray background holding a black backpack in his right hand
Woman wearing a dark blue racerback top and light blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Woman wearing a dark blue racerback top and light blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Woman wearing a dark blue racerback top and light blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background Woman wearing a dark blue racerback top and light blue trekking pants standing in front of a gray background
Man wearing a green/gray shirt and neon yellow shorts standing in front of a gray background Man wearing a green/gray shirt and neon yellow shorts standing in front of a gray background Man wearing a green/gray shirt and neon yellow shorts standing in front of a gray background Man wearing a green/gray shirt and neon yellow shorts standing in front of a gray background

What is the right cut for me?

Basically, there are two ” beliefs”: tighter and therefore less friction – wider and therefore more air circulation. Both are right to a certain extent. Only a try-on can clarify which cut is the right one for you. Our hiking trousers are made in two cuts:

  • TAPERED / SLIM: Sporty, fashionable cut with a slim fit that tightens towards the bottom. The hiking trousers are made of particularly stretchy material.
  • COMFORT / REGULAR: The classic outdoor trousers in the comfort cut have a straight cut. They are available in many variants (zip-off or ¾ trousers).

Trekking pants in the right length – to keep you happy for longer

Long trousers provide good protection for the leg underneath from minor scratches. Shorts are the best choice in high temperatures and have the benefit of the greatest freedom of movement.

To combine the advantages of both, zip-off Löffler offer zip-off pants in the collection. As true quick-change artists, they expand the possible uses considerably.

Thanks to the leg zip (or T-zip), the zip-off trousers can be transformed into shorts in no time at all, without having to take off your hiking boots. Depending on the weather and the area of use, they are a real quick-change artist. You can also find some models in short and long sizes. These are sizes with different leg lengths. It is definitely worth getting the right size. If the hiking trousers are too short, they will constantly slip over the shoe and expose the leg. If they are too long, however, you may step on them with your heel. Acute danger of falling is guaranteed!

Our tip: Follow our useful care tips so that you can enjoy your outdoor trousers for a long time. And if, despite all the care you take, something should break on your clothing, Löffler offers a professional repair service. No matter whether it’s fall damage or a tear – we will repair your garment within the shortest possible time so that you can enjoy it for a long time.

As with all sportswear, try the trousers on extensively. Sit down, climb stairs, kneel down. Do the hiking trousers still feel good? Then they are ready for the first hike. In our online shop you will find a large selection of trekking pants for men and women. In addition, you can return trousers that don’t fit from your selection free of charge from Germany and Austria!

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

Leggi ora
Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

Leggi ora
Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

Leggi ora
Rain jackets: What do I need to know?

There are probably only a few products that have to be one thing above all: functional. In the case of a rain jacket, this is completely true. People often look for a jacket that is 100 % waterproof. But if the rain jacket is mainly used for sports, it has to fulfil another core function: It must be breathable so that you don't sweat from the inside out and moisture can be transported away from the body.

Leggi ora

Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants Apr 2023

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

Cycling underpants – the comfortable all-rounder

At the beginning, the question always arises: Why do I actually need cycling underpants? But after just a few kilometres on the bike, you realise that something essential is missing. The perfect cycling underpants are those that you can barely feel and that follow all your movements without constricting you. At the same time, good cycling undershorts protect you from pressure and unpleasant friction in the buttocks and thigh area.

Here in particular it is important to wear cycling pants with as few seams as possible. This prevents unpleasant chafing or pressure points. In addition to the material of the underpants, the seat padding is also important.

The ideal cycling panties should …

  • be anatomically shaped – adapted to the area of use and the gender of the cyclist.
  • fit like a second skin, but not constrict, as decorative seams in particular can press uncomfortably or even impair blood circulation
  • be fitted with a non-slip elastic band on the trouser leg or hem so that the cycling pants do not slip or ride up during the ride.

But what is the advantage of cycling undershorts compared to normal cycling shorts?

  • They can be worn inconspicuously under normal clothing
  • Perfect fit in the critical areas

This makes the cycling underpants a comfortable all-rounder on every bike tour.

Whether on a road bike, mountain bike, gravel bike or e-bike – on long or short distances. A good pair of cycling pants fits the body like a second skin.


While cycling undershorts with a 6 millimetre thick seat pad are sufficient for a padded saddle, a 12 to 16 millimetre thick seat pad is recommended for hard saddles without gel.

There are suitable cycling undershorts to choose from depending on the intensity, requirement and individual saddle.

Learn more about seat pads

Different cycling undershorts for women and for men

Of course, cycling undershorts for men and women differ. Especially when it comes to underwear, the physique plays an important role. Cycling undershorts for women are usually cut wider than underpants for men and have a completely different fit. We also use special padding in our cycling undershorts that is adapted to the physique of women and men. Read more here: Finding the perfect cycling shorts. Therefore, it is not recommended that women wear cycling undershorts for men and vice versa.

woman and man wearing short underwear woman and man wearing short underwear woman and man wearing short underwear woman and man wearing short underwear
mountainbiker with red t-shirt and blue mtb shorts mountainbiker with red t-shirt and blue mtb shorts mountainbiker with red t-shirt and blue mtb shorts mountainbiker with red t-shirt and blue mtb shorts
Touringbiker Touringbiker Touringbiker Touringbiker
Two mountainbikers taking a break Two mountainbikers taking a break Two mountainbikers taking a break Two mountainbikers taking a break
blue mtb shorts blue mtb shorts blue mtb shorts blue mtb shorts

Different models for every need


Our basic model is suitable for active cyclists who focus on comfort. The material of the cycling undershorts – transtex® light – is made in the in-house knitting department in Ried im Innkreis, Austria, and quickly transports moisture to the outside. The well thought-out combination of seat pad, material and finish is designed for short to medium rides and guarantees a pleasant body climate, rapid sweat transport and a close fit. The Comfort Basic seat pad consists of 6 millimetre thick foam and is ergonomically pre-shaped. Thanks to the low weight and the discreet seat pad, you almost forget that you are wearing underpants. And thanks to the extra-flat seams, there are definitely no pressure points.

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Löffler cycling underpants black Löffler cycling underpants black


The Elastic 2.0 bike undershorts are a classic for ambitious bikers while mountainbiking or touring biking. The extra-short pants made from multi-elastic material are highly breathable, so that you won’t feel uncomfortable even on exhausting bike tours. And thanks to the wide elastic waistband and leg cuffs with silicone grippers, the pants stay exactly where they belong. The integrated Comfort Elastic seat pad (12 mm) is a sporty all-round seat pad with foam zones of varying density (80 kg/m2) for optimum pressure distribution. The soft upper material with a fine feel guarantees pleasant seating comfort in an upright to compact sitting posture.

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black cycling underpants women black cycling underpants women


The queen of cycling undershorts: For sporty cyclists who value freedom of movement and reliable seat cushioning. At the same time, the cycling undershorts should be as light as possible and fit the body like a second skin. The unique hotBOND® technology developed by Löffler without needle & thread is used to create ultrasonically welded seams. These are not only particularly comfortable to wear, but also more tear-resistant and durable than conventional seams. Thanks to the high-quality Comfort Gel Air seat pad (16 mm), even extended tours become an unforgettable experience. This makes the cycling undershorts comfortably padded. The wide waistband adapts perfectly to the hips and ensures a firm but comfortable fit. The extra-wide leg cuffs also secure the cycling shorts without constricting. The breathable elastic material ensures a permanently balanced body climate. In addition, air-permeable mesh inserts ensure perfect ventilation while cycling.
The sporty cycling underpants can also be worn as short or light summer cycling shorts and are available as bib shorts for men.

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Cycling underpants hotBOND Cycling underpants hotBOND
Cycling undershorts overview Cycling undershorts overview Cycling undershorts overview Cycling undershorts overview
Overview Löffler Cycling undershorts


All cycling undershorts are manufactured at the company’s site in Ried im Innkreis, Austria – from fabric production to the finished product. We produce sustainably in Austria and pay attention to resource-saving use of raw materials, short transport routes and fair working conditions. Read more.


To ensure that you enjoy your “comfort bringer” cycling undershorts for as long as possible, we recommend that you observe the following care instructions:

  • Be careful when washing:
    The padding and elasticity of the cycling shorts in particular can suffer if washed incorrectly.
  • Do not wash too hot (max. 40°C or as recommended on the care label).
  • Do not use fabric softener as this reduces the breathability and cushioning properties of the seat pad.
  • To prolong the life of the pad, wash on the gentle cycle.

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

Leggi ora
Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

Leggi ora

Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

Leggi ora
Rain jackets: What do I need to know?

There are probably only a few products that have to be one thing above all: functional. In the case of a rain jacket, this is completely true. People often look for a jacket that is 100 % waterproof. But if the rain jacket is mainly used for sports, it has to fulfil another core function: It must be breathable so that you don't sweat from the inside out and moisture can be transported away from the body.

Leggi ora

Rain jackets: What do I need to know? Apr 2023

There are probably only a few products that have to be one thing above all: functional. In the case of a rain jacket, this is completely true. People often look for a jacket that is 100 % waterproof. But if the rain jacket is mainly used for sports, it has to fulfil another core function: It must be breathable so that you don't sweat from the inside out and moisture can be transported away from the body.

And it is precisely here that the wheat is separated from the chaff when it comes to the functionality of rain jackets. With this article we would like to give you an overview of the features and functionalities of rain jackets and show you how to find the right protective cover for your sports activities.

What does waterproof mean?

Usually, we use our own materials for our jackets, which are produced in our own knitting department. If the materials need to have special properties, such as absolute waterproofness, windproofness or particularly warming insulation, we also work with materials from companies that specialize in the production of such fabrics. A well-known example is the GORE-TEX™ brand, which is known for its special fabrics. However, we also use our own material constructions in our jackets. Such as WPM (Water Proof Material), for example. For our rain jackets for men and women we use the following materials:

These are the materials we use for our jackets

    The material was designed to be particularly breathable. This makes it particularly suitable for the production of clothing for endurance sports. We use this material to produce jackets for bike, outdoor and ski touring sports. The material has a water column of 28,000 mm and is 100% windproof and waterproof. According to EU guidelines, a material with a water column of 800 mm is considered waterproof. This is the material we use to make our hardshell jackets.
    This material also has excellent properties for the production of sportswear. It is absolutely windproof, fast drying and particularly breathable. The removal of sweat to the outside prevents the body from overheating. Products made of this material are usually water-repellent.
    Water Proof Material – This in-house development from LÖFFLER is a particularly lightweight, waterproof and windproof material with a water column of 20,000 mm. It is also highly breathable and can be folded to a minimal pack size. This makes it particularly suitable for making hiking rain jackets or cycling jackets that people like to take with them to be well equipped for a surprise rain shower.

More about the materials developed and used by Löffler can be read under materials from A to Z.

Waterproof vs. water-repellent: The difference

If products are described as water-repellent, the material is provided with an impregnation that prevents the penetration of water from the outside. Seams and zippers are usually not sealed. Thus, theoretically, water can penetrate. In practice, however, this is hardly the case. If a product is called waterproof, the seams and zippers must also be 100% waterproof (mostly welded). Are you looking for a waterproof rain jacket? Then we recommend products labeled waterproof. For example, all our hardshell jackets made of GORE-TEX ACTIVE™ and WPM POCKET materials are waterproof.

Hardshell jacket, what is it?

The term hardshell jacket is often used for jackets, but what does it actually mean? It is meant to be a jacket that is made of a particularly weatherproof material. As a rule, “hardshell” refers to a jacket that is waterproof and windproof. Hardshell jackets are jackets that serve as an outer layer, which means that they get the most rain and therefore have to be particularly robust. Hardshell jackets often have functional features such as special pockets or a special pack size. They are also made with or without a hood and usually have welded zippers that are waterproof. Choosing a jacket with or without a hood is often a matter of personal preference, but also of purpose. Jackets with hoods have the distinct advantage that you are additionally protected from rain when you are not wearing any other headgear.

Women's rain jacket gray Women's rain jacket gray Women's rain jacket gray Women's rain jacket gray
W BIKE JACKET WPM POCKET – Women’s Bike Rain Jacket

What water column is sufficient?

As already mentioned, material with a water column of 800 mm or more is considered waterproof according to the EU directive. In our opinion, this waterproofness offers not 100% protection against wind and weather. To guarantee permanent waterproofness, we use materials with a water column of 20,000 mm or more for the production of cycling rain jackets, hiking rain jackets & running rain jackets.

How expensive is a good rain jacket?

Our rain jackets start at 169.99 euros. We believe that investing in a good rain jacket is absolutely worth it: such a garment is a long-term investment. We pay special attention to the quality of our products – so that you can enjoy them for many years. And if something should ever break, our repair service will help you. In this way, we have already been able to bring many rain jackets back to life. When it rains heavily, you will be glad to have a good jacket. And as we all know, a good jacket doesn’t leave you out in the rain.

If you want to be outside in bad weather, wind and rain, you should invest in a good jacket. Good materials are light, robust, durable and functional. They are the guarantee that you will stay dry.

We hope that we have been able to help you with this information and look forward to you staying active even in the rain.

Mountainbiker sitting on his bike with dark blue rain jacket Mountainbiker sitting on his bike with dark blue rain jacket Mountainbiker sitting on his bike with dark blue rain jacket Mountainbiker sitting on his bike with dark blue rain jacket
Men Bike Rain Jacket M JACKET WPM POCKET

Men’s rain jackets

At Löffler, you will find men’s rain jackets for endurance sports such as running, cycling and hiking. Here you will find our men’s rain jackets.

Women’s rain jackets

Are you looking for a women’s rain jacket? You’ll find jackets for a wide range of sports and especially adapted to women’s anatomy. Discover the models in the women’s section on our website.

You would like to buy a rain jacket? You can find our rain jackets online, at our retail partners, in our official online shop and in our factory outlet in Ried im Innkreis. Rain jackets online shopping at LÖFFLER in the official online shop.

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

Leggi ora
Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

Leggi ora

Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

Leggi ora
Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

Leggi ora

Finding the right cycling shorts Apr 2023

The biker's most sensitive point of contact with his bike is on the saddle. This is where it is decided whether a ride becomes a pleasure or an torture. That's why you should pay particular attention to high quality when buying cycling shorts.

The perfect cycling shorts – cycling seat pads explained

Cycling shorts require only a relatively small piece of fabric, but they are among the most technically demanding and sophisticated garments. The demands on fit and wearing comfort are enormous, and the finishing must be of high quality to ensure functionality and durability.

Different models of course have to meet different requirements. Cyclists are tall or short, lightweight or heavy. There are cycling shorts for women and cycling shorts for men. They sit on different saddles, the road bike saddle, the MTB saddle or the touring bike saddle. And of course the trousers should also look good. For those who prefer a look that is suitable for everyday cycling, we recommend cycling underpants. These are undershorts with a sewn-in seat pad worn under everyday clothing.

“The perfect pair of cycling shorts is a great challenge, but it can be achieved. If the seams are as flat as possible and do not irritate the skin. Ideally, there are no seams at all in the sensitive areas.”

cycling shorts women black cycling shorts women black cycling shorts women black cycling shorts women black
Cycling shorts women W BIKE TIGHTS HOTBOND®
men cycling shorts dark blue men cycling shorts dark blue men cycling shorts dark blue men cycling shorts dark blue
Cycling shorts men M BIKE TIGHTS BASIC GEL
cycling shorts men löffler cycling shorts men löffler cycling shorts men löffler cycling shorts men löffler

That’s right!

That’s right! We manage to produce cycling clothing without seams. Highly elastic materials are welded ultra-flat with the unique hotBOND® ultrasonic technology. Special machines melt the layers of fabric on the surface and weld them into ultra-flat bonds. These bonds are not only comfortable to wear, but also more tear resistant and durable than conventional seams.

In addition to bike shorts in various lengths and both waistband and bib shorts, hotBOND® technology is also used in tight-fitting cycling jerseys. The hotBOND® collection is exclusively manufactured in Austria.

The advantages of hotBOND® can be felt much better than put into words – so it’s best to just try it out for yourself!

Finding the right bike seat pad

Special attention should also be paid to the correct seat padding. The seat padding is primarily geared towards the rider and his or her subjective well-being. But the type of cycling also plays an important role. It influences the seating position and the time spent on the bike. We have been optimising our “leathers” for many years and bring suitable seat pad concepts to the market for the different areas of use. What makes the different Löffler bike seat pads special is explained in this video:

You can find all Löffler bike seat pads on our practical bike seat pad overview.


High Performance Seat Pad for longer distances. Perfectly tuned to racing saddles.
High Performance Seat Pad for longer distances. Perfectly tuned to racing saddles.
  • Various foams with different densities.
  • Ultra High Density (120 kg/m³) in the sit bones area.
  • Long-lasting dimensionally stable.
  • Perforated for perfect thermal regulation, lightweight.
  • Seamless ergonomic bent shaping for a perfect fit and more stability.
  • Super soft, elastic high tech eco-fabric.
  • Bacteriostatic and skin-compatible.

Density: 120 kg/m³

Thickness: 14 mm


Compact, lightweight, seat pad for cyclists with sporty ambitions.
Compact, lightweight, seat pad for cyclists with sporty ambitions.
  • Vibrations absorbing gel pads in the sit bones area.
  • High density foam.
  • Dimensionally stable and good torsion.
  • Continuously perforated for perfect thermal regulation.
  • Anatomically pre-shaped for sitting comfort and perfect stability.
  • Breathable, soft microfiber fabric.

Density: 90 kg/m³

Thickness: 16 mm


Sporty all-round seat pad for a pleasant sitting comfort.
Sporty all-round seat pad for a pleasant sitting comfort.
  • Long-lasting compact foam, very good cushioning features.
  • Different foam zones for ideal pressure distribution.
  • Elastic, flexible.
  • Pleasantly breathable, fast drying.
  • Ergonomically pre-shaped.
  • Cover fabric with a silk-soft touch.
  • Pleasant sitting comfort in an upright to compact sitting position.

Density: 80 kg/m³

Thickness: 12 mm


Base model for comfortable riding.
Base model for comfortable riding.
  • Compact foam with a good density.
  • Discreet with low volume.
  • Ergonomically pre-shaped.
  • Used for transtex®-bike undershorts.
  • Partially perforated for good thermal regulation.

Density: 60 kg/m³

Thickness: 6 mm

Which cycling shorts suit me best?

You are now wondering which cycling shorts are the right ones for you? This question is very individual.

The most important thing when choosing your new cycling shorts is:

  • Warm or cold – Do you prefer to ride in warm or cold temperatures with your cycling shorts? It determines whether you need a long or a short pair of cycling shorts and what material the cycling shorts should be made of.
  • With or without suspenders – cycling shorts are available with suspenders (bib shorts) or without suspenders (tights). Bib shorts have the big advantage that the cycling shorts do not slip when the rider is in a stretched riding position. In contrast, tights are less constricting and are therefore more comfortable to wear for many cyclists. Rule of thumb: Athletic and performance-oriented? Then bib tights are the right choice. Do you prefer to sit upright on your bike and enjoy the ride? Then a pair of cycling shorts without straps is a good choice.
  • Try out! – Because every person is different. And everyone has a different sense of personal comfort when it comes to sitting. Some prefer a firmer and less padded sit. Others find a soft and high seat padding the perfect solution. The right choice of padding can also depend on the sit bones. The sit bones exert the most pressure on the padding and the saddle. Therefore: Try on the trousers and test whether the padding has the desired firmness. You can also get qualified advice on the cycling shorts of your choice at a sports shop.

These are the factors to consider when choosing the right cycling shorts.

Tips & tricks for the correct use of cycling shorts

  • Do not wear normal pants under your cycling shorts! Instead, choose the right seat pad.
  • The cycling shorts should definitely be bought in the right size. Cycling shorts that are too large do not serve their purpose. If in doubt, choose one size smaller. Tip: It is best to try on several sizes to find out which fits best.
  • Wash! Sweat, salt and sunscreen make the fabric inflexible and the shorts no longer fit as they should. Therefore, wash the cycling shorts gently after every ride. Washing too rarely will probably cause more cycling shorts to break than washing too often. The material is attacked by sweat and oils. As a rule, do not use fabric softener, but use normal mild detergent sparingly. Also follow the instructions on the care label.
  • A defective or unsuitable saddle (e.g. rough surface, decorative stitching, dirt) can rub up the seat of the trousers.
  • Saddle bags on the seat post, which often have a velcro fastener, can cause chafing on the inside of the thighs due to friction. This ruins the best cycling shorts in no time.
  • You should also be carefu with the clothing worn over them. The thin, elastic fabric of cycling shorts can be damaged by sharp-edged cord stoppers, for example.
men bike tights dark blue men bike tights dark blue men bike tights dark blue men bike tights dark blue
Men cycling tights M BIKE TIGHTS BASIC GEL

You can find Löffler cycling shorts in well-stocked specialist shops and in our online shop. We wish you many enjoyable hours on the saddle and much fun with our cycling shorts!


Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

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Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

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Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

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Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

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Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

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The right biking clothes for any weather Mar 2023

Constantly changing temperatures, rain and wind - spring is known for its capricious weather. That's why it's especially important to be well equipped when it comes to cycling clothing. In this article you will read about the cycling clothes you definitely need to have in your wardrobe in the upcoming weeks (and beyond).

There is no such thing as bad weather, there is only wrong clothing.

Those who are often out in nature know this saying only too well. But anyone who has ever returned from a tour completely soaked and frozen knows that it is anything but easy to pack the perfect cycling clothes for the respective conditions. This is all the more true in spring. Especially at the start of the season, the weather gods are often not kind to us cyclists. Constantly changing temperatures, rain and wind not only make biking itself difficult, but also the choice of the right clothing.

To make it easier for you to reach into your wardrobe in future, we will explain below which cycling clothes you should have with you in specific weather conditions. We’ll start with the basic equipment and then go through various weather scenarios so that you’ll be well prepared for every situation in the future.

Man in blue road cycling jersey and blue cycling shorts and woman in a pink road cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts. Man in blue road cycling jersey and blue cycling shorts and woman in a pink road cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts. Man in blue road cycling jersey and blue cycling shorts and woman in a pink road cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts. Man in blue road cycling jersey and blue cycling shorts and woman in a pink road cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts.
Road bike clothing in summer

Spring biking clothes: Which basics should I have in my wardrobe?

A good pair of cycling shorts, or alternatively cycling underpants, is the be-all and end-all for every cycling tour. Their seat pad prevents chafing and ensures optimal pressure distribution. For this reason, they are an essential part of every biker’s wardrobe. The same applies to a high-quality cycling jersey. This is made of functional materials and draws perspiration away from the body to create a pleasant body climate. By the way: there are indeed differences between a cycling jersey for women and a cycling jersey for men. The same applies to most other bike clothing.

When it comes to accessories, cycling gloves are part of the basic equipment. They protect you from shocks and provide a significant increase in comfort on your tours. Last but not least, cycling socks should not be underestimated, as their padding can prevent blisters and ensure good support and a good climate inside the shoe.

While these basics are the classics for summer days, you should add a few more pieces of clothing to your cycling wardrobe for the other seasons. First and foremost, this includes a bike jacket that offers protection from the rain, wind or cold. Also important is a breathable functional singlet, which is worn underneath the jersey and supports ventilation. Arm warmers and leg warmers work wonders in changing temperatures. You can easily stow them in your jersey pockets and simply put them on when it gets cooler.

If wind and weather don’t bother you at all and you are riding in any temperature, there are of course numerous other cycling clothes that can make the kilometres in the saddle easier. Professionals, for example, have a bike vest, which can be a suitable accessory in the transitional seasons. All-weather riders should definitely have a good rain jacket. And if it gets really cold, a helmet cap can do wonders.

Three mountain bikers in rain jackets and bike shorts riding along a trail on a steep grassy hill. Three mountain bikers in rain jackets and bike shorts riding along a trail on a steep grassy hill. Three mountain bikers in rain jackets and bike shorts riding along a trail on a steep grassy hill. Three mountain bikers in rain jackets and bike shorts riding along a trail on a steep grassy hill.
Bike jacket protects against bad weather while mountain biking

Which cycling clothes are best for which weather conditions?

Now you have an overview of what your basic equipment as a cyclist should look like. To make it easier for you to choose the right clothes for your tour, we will go through five weather scenarios below that will give you a good indication of what you should wear or pack for which conditions.

  • Warm summer day (20-25 degrees): Fantastic weather and therefore the best conditions for a bike tour. This makes it easy to choose what to wear. The motto: “short, short”. In other words: short cycling jersey, short cycling shorts, short bike socks, short gloves. If you are planning a longer downhill run, you should take a wind jacket with you just to be safe.
  • Warm spring day (15-20 degrees): Too cool for “short, short”, but somehow also too warm for warmer clothing. This weather therefore calls for the so-called “layered clothing principle” (see info box). The best way to complete your basic outfit is with arm warmers and leg warmers as well as a wind jacket. Wear a functional singlet underneath and a rain jacket in case of sudden rain.
  • Average day with rain showers (10-15 degrees): April does what it wants. And so does October. You will find these weather conditions especially in the transitional seasons. Here, too, the layered clothing principle is your best choice. Compared to a warm spring day, however, you should be dressed a little warmer. Replace the wind jacket with a rain jacket. Instead of the short-sleeved jersey plus arm warmers, a warmer long-sleeved jersey is also a good idea.
  • Cool spring day with strong wind (5-10 degrees): When it is cold and windy in spring, the right clothes are particularly important. We recommend classic cycling shorts combined with leg warmers. Add a bike vest, a cycling jersey, arm warmers and a windbreaker. Long gloves as well as overshoes and a helmet cap can also be useful in these temperatures.
  • Rainy spring day (5-10 degrees): Only the strong survive, as the saying goes. With the right cycling clothing, however, such days are no problem. We also recommend normal cycling shorts combined with warm leg warmers (or optionally long, warm cycling shorts). Add to this a bike singlet, a warm long-sleeved cycling jersey and a warm rain jacket or even a winter jacket. Also important: waterproof long-fingered gloves, overshoes and a helmet cap.

“When choosing the right cycling clothes for the transitional seasons, the layered clothing principle is tried and tested.”

Summary: What should I pay attention to when buying cycling clothes?

As you can see, choosing the right bike clothing is incredibly important for the fun factor when riding a bike. When buying new cycling clothes, you should pay attention not only to the style but also to the intended use. Which pair of cycling shorts are right for you depends on what you plan to do on your tours. The fit is also crucial, because only with fitting clothes you will enjoy the maximum of comfort. Here you can find out how a cycling jersey should fit.

Another essential factor is quality. The materials and technologies used in high-quality garments are most effective when the weather conditions are challenging. For many cyclists, sustainably produced goods are also very important.

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when it comes to cycling clothes. But trust us: it’s worth the effort! With the right clothing, you will end up with a smile on your face and remind your friends that there is no such thing as bad weather – only wrong clothing.

Man in dark blue bike jacket and dark blue cycling shorts and woman in dark blue bike west, pink cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts with white leg ends in front of a spring landscape. Man in dark blue bike jacket and dark blue cycling shorts and woman in dark blue bike west, pink cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts with white leg ends in front of a spring landscape. Man in dark blue bike jacket and dark blue cycling shorts and woman in dark blue bike west, pink cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts with white leg ends in front of a spring landscape. Man in dark blue bike jacket and dark blue cycling shorts and woman in dark blue bike west, pink cycling jersey and dark blue cycling shorts with white leg ends in front of a spring landscape.
The right cycling clothing guarantees joy and comfort.

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

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Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

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Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

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Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

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Il must di ogni stagione: la sostenibilità May 2021

I temi della SOSTENIBILITÀ e della MODA LENTA sono nella mente di tutti - e un cambiamento sta emergendo nell'industria tessile. Lontano dalla frenesia del consumo di prodotti di massa a buon mercato - verso il godimento consapevole di alcuni "pezzi preferiti" selezionati che durano a lungo. Ma cos'è esattamente la Slow Fashion?

Slow fashion sta per abbigliamento sostenibile e consapevole. Descrive il cambiamento verso una maggiore responsabilità e rispetto per le persone, il territorio e l’ambiente. Slow fashion significa anche decelerazione:

  • per una produzione rispettosa dell’ambiente e un’attenta selezione delle materie prime
  • per una produzione sostenibile e una lavorazione di alta qualità
  • per l’uso e la durata dei vestiti

Comprare meno e scegliere saggiamente è una filosofia che LÖFFLER sostiene da decenni. Con le collezioni prodotte in modo responsabile e l’abbigliamento durevole che dura per diverse stagioni, i prodotti LÖFFLER costituiscono la base per un consumo responsabile.  Grazie alle filiere corte e alla produzione che risparmia le risorse, la sede dell’azienda a Ried im Innkreis, in Alta Austria, ha riconosciuto da tempo i segni dei tempi.


Secondo il motto “classe non massa”, prodotti ben selezionati e di alta qualità dovrebbero finire nel carrello della spesa. L’acquisto di un indumento di alta qualità può essere più costoso all’inizio – ma a lungo termine ripaga enormemente investire in prodotti di qualità e di lunga durata. E anche se non sei un esperto, la buona qualità si riconosce subito. È importante prestare attenzione ai dettagli:

  • Come sono le cuciture?
  • La lavorazione è pulita?
  • Ci sono informazioni aggiuntive sul cartellino su come è stato fatto il prodotto?
  • Vale anche la pena dare un’occhiata all’etichetta per scoprire quali materiali sono stati utilizzati.

Per una fruizione sostenibile e a lungo termine dell’abbigliamento funzionale, è essenziale concentrarsi sulla qualità piuttosto che sulla quantità. Oltre alla durata, condizioni di lavoro eque e una giusta retribuzione per tutti i dipendenti sono essenziali per vivere la slow fashion.


Ma sostenibilità significa anche indossare i vestiti per quanti più anni possibile. Per questo, bisogna prendersi cura dell’abbigliamento funzionale per godersi il più a lungo possibile il proprio pezzo preferito.

Il product manager Dominique Roshardt non può dare una risposta chiara alla domanda su quanto durerà l’abbigliamento funzionale Löffler. “Naturalmente, questo dipende da diversi fattori – come l’usura e, soprattutto, la cura. In ogni caso, dovresti seguire le istruzioni di cura per il rispettivo materiale e l’etichetta di cura all’interno del tessuto. Il mio consiglio: “Un trattamento accurato del vostro pezzo preferito ne prolungherà enormemente la vita”.

Prima di gettare i vestiti che si indossano raramente nei rifiuti residui, si dovrebbe considerare se possono essere riciclati in uno scambio di vestiti. O se il tuo pezzo preferito ha qualche danno, Löffler offre un servizio di riparazione.
“Non c’è quasi nessun pezzo che non possiamo riparare di nuovo”, dice la collaboratrice del servizio Petra Steinböck. Un’accurata riparazione estende ulteriormente il ciclo di vita ed è un chiaro segnale nella direzione della sostenibilità.

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

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Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

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Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

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Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

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Il taglio che speravi: Come trovare la maglia da ciclismo perfetta per te Apr 2021

Con la giusta maglia da ciclismo, puoi goderti ancora di più la tua corsa. Che tu sia su una bici da strada, una gravel bike, una mountain bike o una e-bike, hai bisogno di una maglia da ciclismo con il taglio perfetto per le tue esigenze. Quindi, prima di acquistare, poniti le seguenti domande per trovare la maglia da ciclismo perfetta.

Come dovrebbe calzare la maglia da bicicletta perfetta?

Il taglio è ottimizzato per la posizione di guida. La maggior parte delle maglie da ciclismo sono più lunghe dietro che davanti, in modo che la schiena rimanga coperta. Questa cosiddetta inclinazione è, tra l’altro, decisiva per la vestibilità ottimale della maglia.
Può anche sembrare che sia un po’ troppo corta davanti. Questo è deliberato in modo che nella posizione di ciclismo nessun tessuto in eccesso nella zona anteriore distragga quando si è piegati sul manubrio. Se non sei sicuro, prendi la posizione di guida quando la provi per vedere se ti sta bene.
Quando scegli una maglia, considera il tipo di corsa per cui la indosserai. Le nostre maglie da ciclismo sono disponibili sia in taglie regolari che in taglie forti. Nella collezione LÖFFLER troverai una selezione completa di maglie da ciclismo in diversi tagli:


Le maglie da ciclismo slim-fit sono tagliate corte e aderenti alla pelle. Questo significa che più sono snelle, meglio è. Se corri molte salite con tempo caldo, ci sono maglie speciali fatte di un tessuto più leggero e molto traspirante – per esempio il Bike Jersey FZ Aero. Inoltre, le strutture integrate (Airstream) nella zona delle maniche e delle spalle assicurano che il flusso d’aria venga interrotto. Questo riduce al minimo la resistenza dell’aria in una posizione di gara aggressiva. LÖFFLER ha creato maglie che calzano come una seconda pelle sul corpo e sono state sviluppate con l’aiuto dei professionisti del Team Felbermayr Simplon Wels.


Una maglia da bici nel nuovo Mid Fit ha un taglio adattato e leggermente più casual. Anche se il tessuto è stretto sulle spalle e sul petto, la vestibilità che valorizza il corpo con una vita leggermente più larga (+8 cm) e una parte anteriore più lunga (+2 cm) permette una maggiore libertà di movimento per i tour in bicicletta sportivi. La maglia da bicicletta è quindi comodamente allentata sui fianchi. Un design attraente si trova soprattutto nel Bike Jersey FZ Stream Mid e nel Bike Jersey FZ Messenger Mid.


Il taglio comfort si allenta e assicura una posizione di guida più rilassata. Perfetto per i sentieri di mountain bike o per un touring rilassato. Per la mountain bike orientata al downhill e per coloro che amano indossare uno stile più casual, le maglie dal taglio più ampio nella vestibilità Comfort sono l’accompagnamento perfetto per una giornata di successo in bicicletta. Per esempio, la maglia da bici Peaks o la maglia da bici Flow combinano funzione e stile in una sola maglia.

Quali funzioni e caratteristiche aggiuntive sono utili?

Tecnologie innovative

Fastidiose cuciture e scomodi punti di abrasione appartengono al passato. Con la tecnologia riflettente hotBOND® e hotBOND® sviluppata in esclusiva da LÖFFLER, le maglie e le calze da ciclismo vengono prodotte con punti riflettenti sulle giunture saldate ultrapiatte ed elastiche. Grazie ad una speciale tecnica di lavorazione, questi punti di connessione riflettono quando vengono illuminati. Per i pantaloncini e le maglie, questo significa che non ci sono cuciture che pizzicano o irritano e non possono essere trascurate. Le giunture senza ago e filo sono estremamente resistenti allo strappo, elastiche come il materiale stesso e ultrapiatte. I punti di riflessione mostrano il loro pieno effetto solo sotto il fascio di luce, altrimenti sono molto discreti. I prodotti riflettenti hotBOND® sono prodotti esclusivamente presso la sede di Löffler a Ried im Innkreis (Alta Austria).

Flat seams

Per ridurre al minimo l’attrito, tutti i prodotti Löffler hanno cuciture piatte. Queste sono appena percettibili e assicurano un piacevole comfort.

Cintura in silicone

Quando sei in bicicletta, l’abbigliamento che scivola verso l’alto può essere una sgradita distrazione. La maggior parte delle maglie da ciclismo Löffler ha un rivestimento in silicone antiscivolo sulla cintura, che assicura una vestibilità affidabile durante la corsa.


Quando si pedala in condizioni di scarsa luminosità, indossare una maglia con colore di segnalazione ed elementi riflettenti.


Una zip a tutta lunghezza ti permette di rinfrescarti durante le corse lunghe e calde. Assicurati anche che la tua maglia abbia un garage con zip per proteggere il collo e il mento.


Le maglie da ciclista di solito hanno tre tasche posteriori per i pezzi di ricambio e gli snack. Un’ulteriore tasca con cerniera tiene al sicuro i soldi e gli oggetti di valore.


Tutti i tessuti per le maglie da ciclismo LÖFFLER sono lavorati nel proprio maglificio a Ried im Innkreis, in Alta Austria. Un chiaro segnale che l’eccellente qualità e funzionalità possono essere combinate con un senso di responsabilità e correttezza.

Loeffler World
We are ClimatePartner certified

Climate protection has always been an essential part of our corporate philosophy. Since August 2020, we have been offsetting our unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting a wind power project in Bulgaria. Now we extended our collaboration with ClimatePartner and have been supporting a biogas upgrading project in Sofia, Bulgaria, ever since.

Leggi ora
Singlet for road cycling in summer: our tip!

Why should I wear more clothes in summer? That's quite illogical, isn't it? We've looked into the matter and provide 3 good reasons why wearing a singlet when road cycling in high temperatures makes perfect sense.

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Why sports underwear also makes sense in summer

Functional underwear in the summer heat? That still sounds very unusual for many sports enthusiasts. In this blog article we explain why sports underwear is very comfortable, especially in summer, and what advantages it offers.

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Loyal companions - the perfect pants for the mountain tour. There are some points to have a closer look at in order to find the right outdoor pants.

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Strikingly inconspicuous: the perfect cycling underpants

The optimal cycling undershorts follow all your movements and prevent unpleasant pressure and friction during your bike ride. But what should the perfect cycling undershorts offer?

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